Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Goodnight and Good Luck

Best wishes to Lauren Mitchell who leaves (left?) today for the World Cup Final in Madrid. The beam final takes place this Sunday. She'll be flying the flag alongside Philippe Rizzo and Prashanth Sellathurai.

If past results are anything to go by, all three could end up with a gold medal on their respective events; if not, they're damn good enough for a medal of any other colour!


The Couch Gymnast said...

Hey Mez, where are you off to in yooorope?

Mez said...

It's not Europe, actually. Well, it's a French colony but that's neither here not there :P

I'm off to New Caledonia!

Anonymous said...

oh I've been there! Great times. If you can, go to the Amedee Lighthouse Island (you take a ferry thing there). It was gorgeous! There were heaps of these stripy snakes on the sand but apparently their teeth are too small to even pierce human skin so they're harmless.

Mez said...

I went to New Cal with my year 10 French class at high school. This is a cruise with my Mum.

So I've been to Amedee before (yes, we encountered those snakes. High school girls + reptiles = screams heard across the island), and I know she'd love it because it's so clean and beautiful but I don't think she could handle all the lighthouse stairs! Or the snakes!